Jun 02

Latvian Delegation visits Michigan National Guard
By MI National Guard | Partnerships and Programs
Members of Latvia's Defense Ministry, including the Minister of Defense, Raimonds Bergmanis, visited the Michigan National Guard last......read more
Jun 02

Michigan National Guard's Stay Fit, Stay Guard program
By MI National Guard | Partnerships and Programs
The pilot program Stay Fit, Stay Guard was conducted at Fort Custer Training Center in Augusta, Mich....read more
Apr 26

Michigan's 119th Field Artillery assists clean-up of Latvian park
By MI National Guard | Partnerships and Programs
Soldiers of the 119th Field Artillery Unit and the Latvian Zemessardse (National Guard) clean up the Legatne Nature Park by using......read more
Apr 18

Blackjacks Double Down
By MI National Guard | Partnerships and Programs
The Blackjacks, a self-given nickname for the 119th Field Artillery Unit of the MIARNG participate in the exercise Summer Shield XIII......read more