Apr 18

Blackjacks Double Down
By MI National Guard | Partnerships and Programs
The Blackjacks, a self-given nickname for the 119th Field Artillery Unit of the MIARNG participate in the exercise Summer Shield XIII......read more
Apr 13

Michigan Army National Guard 1436th Engineering Company Digs Deep
By MI National Guard | Accomplishments
Soldiers from the 1436th Engineering Company clear a new Landing Zone for Army aviation operations, support exercises held at Fort......read more
Apr 12

Michigan National Guard promotes Pablo Estrada to brigadier general
By MI National Guard | Accomplishments
Ceremony honoring the promotion of the Michigan Army National Guard Soldier, Pablo Estrada to the rank of brigadier general was held......read more
Apr 09

Michigan Army National Guard Soldiers rewarded for excellence
By MI National Guard | Accomplishments
PFC Lukasik and SGT Waugh were recommended for the award by their unit for going above and beyond the requirements of the mission....read more